
Indonesia’s approximately 240 million people make it the world’s fourth-most populous nation and offers competitive advantages for buyers and sourcing agents seeking new supply sources for trade. The country has developed global manufacturing base as well as offering numerous opportunities within natural resources, commodities and agriculture among others. 

Our source starts from the west until the east of Indonesia and providing various products can be found and trade to the world. Buyers looking to source from Indonesia will discover an array of variety of exporter manufactures that provide handcrafted products and also other commodities from the farm. Our mission is to empower Indonesian artisan and families from production activity to create more sustainable income and enhance their quality of life.

Please send your request to sales@artisanvii.com for consumer goods products or to artisanviiagri@gmail.com for agriculture commodity specifying what you are looking for and we will get back to you with an appropriate contact.